Deda Ena Mt., NE (северо-восток), E (восток), 7,9 км., 05:00 ч., 03:30 ч., ↑ 906 м., ↓ 940 м., ▼ 2330 m. - ▲ 3260 m.
Deda Ena Mt., NE (северо-восток), E (восток), 7,9 км., 05:00 ч., 03:30 ч., ↑ 906 м., ↓ 940 м., ▼ 2330 m. - ▲ 3260 m.
НАВИГАТОР: Главная » Справочник по Гудаури » BACKCOUNTRY SKIING IN Gudauri & Kazbegi » The 7 most popular ski touring routes around Gudauri » Deda Ena Mt., NE (северо-восток), E (восток), 7,9 км., 05:00 ч., 03:30 ч., ↑ 906 м., ↓ 940 м., ▼ 2330 m. - ▲ 3260 m.

Deda Ena Mt., NE (северо-восток), E (восток), 7,9 км., 05:00 ч., 03:30 ч., ↑ 906 м., ↓ 940 м., ▼ 2330 m. - ▲ 3260 m.

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Название маршрута
Deda Ena Mt.
Особенности маршрута
Кольцевые маршруты, Крутые склоны, Однодневный маршрут
Кратко о маршруте
The closest to Gudauri reserves of excellent powder, one of the largest and most beautiful routes near the resort. Steep skiing options.
Общий уровень сложности
AD: Довольно сложно (Assez difficile)
Экспозиция склона
NE (северо-восток), E (восток)
Протяженность маршрута
7,9 км.
Общая продолжительность ⎋
05:00 ч.
Продолжительность подъёма ⇡
03:30 ч.
Набор высоты ↑
↑ 906 м.
Спуск ↓
↓ 940 м.
▼ 2330 m. - ▲ 3260 m.
Сложность спуска
S4: Склон до 45 ° либо от 30 до 40 ° в узких местах (кулуары). Требуются очень хорошие навыки катания.
Очень отдаленный: Мало шансов быть замеченным или получить помощь в случае чрезвычайной ситуации.
Опасность в случае падения
Средняя (E2): Кроме самого склона есть некоторые препятствия (например, скальные сбросы) которые могут усугубить травму.
More routes and information about the region

This and others (more than 30 routes) are in the printed version of the backcountry guide to the Gudauri and Kazbegi region from the "Still Wild Georgia" series.
You can buy a book at the Travel Bar in Gudauri - or order mail delivery:

Guidebook in Travel Bar


In just a few words
Deda Ena — the peak’s name on the west of the Gudauri resort, clearly visible as a classic isosceles triangle, translated from the Georgian as «Mother Language», named so in honour of the Georgian alphabet. High altitudes, north-eastern exposition, and protection from extreme winds allow enjoying excellent powder even a month after the last snowfall.
Route description

Starting point

The route starts from a small parking lot 2,2 km away from the sign (cross) of the Cross Pass, at the turn right behind the old stone bridge (nonfunctioning).


You can get to the route starting point by taxi, the same way as to the start of the “Pentagon” route (“Pentagon (Southern Bidara)” on page 50) or descending from the resort side from the “Bidara” route along its central part to the road (“Bidara Mt.” on page 46).


Three steep and more challenging sections with a slope steepness of up to 35 degrees can be distinguished — the first will start in about 30 minutes after the start of ascent from the road and should be bypassed on the right along the ridge. In case of a stable snow cover, on the left through the lower cirque. In the final part of the ascent, the second and third sections are before the pass on the Khorisar gorge. The trail goes through relatively gentle slopes (up to 25º) for the rest of the route.


The conservative descent option – along the ascent path. In this case, you have studied the terrain and snow cover quality well when ascending. In case of poor visibility, your traces will be your guide-marks for returning.

There are also options for steep skiing, but their descriptions are not the purpose of this edition of the guidebook:

1. Skiing into the large steep couloir to the right of Deda Ena peak;
2. Descent from a small steep peak to the left of Deda Ena peak;
3. Descent into the Gogebashvili couloir. The beginning of the drop on the ridge in the opposite direction from the Deda Ena Summit;
4. Skiing from Deda Ena Mountain Summit (East aspect).


You should go on this route only in good visibility and favorable forecast conditions. Without knowing the terrain and visual landmarks, you can find yourself in the avalanche-dangerous spot or rock fault.

Камуса, Лыжные кошки, Стандартное лавинное снаряжение (бипер, зонд, лопата)
Мобильная связь
Мобильная связь есть на всём маршруте
Маршрут доступен когда Крестовый Перевал закрыт?
Вода на маршруте
Лучшее время
Январь, Февраль, Март, Апрель
Рекомендованные карты
Треккинг Карта № 4: Хеви, Степантсминда, Гудаури, Трусо. Масштаб 1: 50 000.
Полезная информация

Ascent to the peak of Deda Ena (3500 meters) is available only for experienced mountaineers in April and May (in the photo above and on the right), using additional mountain equipment (ice-axe, ski crampons) and safety climbing gear.

Дополнительная информация
Standard equipment for one-day ski-tour, and, if you want to ascend Deda Ena peak -ski crampons, ice-axe, and safety climbing gear.
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