Главный апре-ски бар для фрирайдеров в Гудаури
Gudauri Travel Bar – The main Cocktail bar in Gudauri Ski Resort, Gudauri Travel LLC’s official representation and the place of informal meetings of mountains lovers, friends and partners.
Travel Bar – Contact bar with excellent Cocktails, best local and elite Alcohol, amazing Snacks, Coffee, High Quality sound (Hi-Fi), TV-Show, Ski movies, Travel Maps, Guidebooks, Excursions, Transfers, Accommodations.
HOURS Winter: 09:00 am – 02:00 am
CONTACT +995 591 340 500 (English & Russian).
LOCATION https://goo.gl/maps/muNCmC6d76i6sHMJ6
Просмотров: 9605