Starting point
When cableways are working, the route starting point is from the Kobi pass (2950 m.) – upper stations of the gondola lines on both sides – from the Gudauri resort and Kazbegi region (Kobi village). If cableways are not working, the start is from the upper station of the “Gudaura” ski lift.
If the route starts from the Kobi pass, you have to descend by a traverse to the foot of the Bidara ridge, trying not to lose height, then ascend by ski-tour in 20-30 minutes to the Bidara ridge, which is the western border of Gudauri resort. Without having ski-tour equipment, you can climb from the pass to the peak of Bidara Mt. 3174 m. along the ridge.
Ski-tour to the ridge from the upper station of the “Gudaura” ski lift takes 60 minutes.
You can start the descent from the central part of the ridge, or, depending on your experience; you can keep climbing to the south rocks or the north for skiing in one of the rocky couloirs. The most famous couloir is called “Banana couloir”, descending to the Kobi gorge (on the photo on p. 38). After descending from the central-western slope to the Georgian Military Road, you can complete the day with the “Pentagon” route.
As an option, you can start the descent from the ridge towards the resort, then take it to the right (south) and descend to the Georgian Military Road close to the open tunnel (“Gallery”)- route “Bidara Shoulder.”